Therefore, you can use Kriol instead of Belize Creole to refer to our people, culture and language. And Belize’s diverse and vibrant cultures have contributed to one of the most unique and interesting mix of folklore.. As a child, I recall spending Sunday evenings at my grandparents’ house listening to countless tales of old Belize. Would love your thoughts, please comment. English Translation: “Don’t exchange a black dog for a monkey.”. Fish-a man neva seh e’ fish stink 2. #proverbs, Kriol-Inglish Dikshineri – English-Kriol Dictionary by Bileez Kriol Projek / Belize Creole Project, Content Creation posts – Read the articles –, Belize and Taiwan posts – Read the articles –, Belize Creole posts – Read the articles –, Entertainment posts – Read the articles –, Make Life Happen Diary posts – Read the stories –, No to ICJ (International Court of Justice) in Belize – Guatemala Territorial Dispute posts – Read the articles –, My Social Projects posts – Read the articles –, The Proud Belizean posts – Read the articles –, Study, Live & Work In Taiwan posts – Read the articles –. Usually described as a male creature, Sisemite is supposed to live in the extensive cave network in Belize and survives on consuming raw meat from jungle animals that he hunts. However, it implies that it is best not to invite trouble to your party. Meaning: If you are in a sheltered situation, you don’t know what hardship is. Read more. Meaning: Don’t be fooled by things that have a superficial resemblance but are quite different in value. Please add your questions, comments or suggestions for improvement in the comments section at the end of this page. While you will face no problems getting around, as the vast majority of people can speak English, these are a few Belizean Kriol phrases worth knowing while here. Fax: 501-227-2423 The Proud Belizean remembers her. What your eyes don’t see, your heart won’t grieve. I will make another post with examples and sample questions. (Belizean Proverb) Don't carry all your eggs in one basket. I will always be thankful to Belizean Artist Gayla Lopez for changing the words on her Kriol art. ©2020 JACQUELINE D. IFIELD. If for no other reason, it deserves a published list of its words, with their meanings … The higher monkey clim' the mo e expose. It takes personal responsibility to fight the novel coronavirus. Wait bruk down bridge. These include Akan, Igbo, and Twi. Meaning: You hang around bad company, you'll get into trouble. Translation : The drum is beaten in the grass, but it is at home that it comes to dance. 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