It's fun, you get progress guaranteed. Juggernaut. Pros: The emphasis on paused reps was brilliant. Squat & Bench every training day. I squatted and benched almost every day and only deadlifted once or twice per week. it doesnt really matter how you do it, just do a fuck ton of reps, and each week do more than the week before. The other issue is with the fatigue percents. Accessories are basically up to you, you can do whatever you want really. program suggestions include paused squats, front squats and tempo squats. [–]shiftdriftM | 715kg | 91.5kg | 453wks | USAPL | Raw 7 points8 points9 points 1 year ago (1 child). And if you're doing twice a week frequency progression should happen. Most days are doubles/triples at 80-85% with the occasional singles at 90%. I did the rows after I benched. The squat sessions were exceptionally hard and I was hardly ever able to significantly achieve on the AMRAP sets, this might be because I set my TM too high although I don’t think so since I was fairly conservative at the beginning of the program. Powerbuilding workout routines are usually built around the ‘big three” exercises that are typically found in the best powerlifting programs. Volume wasn’t exceptionally high, 3 sets per week on the main lifts and some accessory work. I squatted 6 days a week and alternated the bench press and the deadlift, so I was only doing 2 main lifts a day. This program is great at specificity and working on your weaknesses. Right now I’m basically running J&T 2.0 but replacing the squat and deadlift T1 and T2a J&T 2.0 progressions with the 5/3/1 BBB protocol. my bench rotation typically contains close grip, 3 ct paused bench, floor press, incline bench, and bench from pins. The movements in this tier should primarily be your main movements or variants of as well as supporting pull movements for back development. +Cons: squatting and deadlifting on the same day, not enough shoulder/ back work for me, 3x6 forever can get just as boring as 5x5/3x5. Pr deadlift 242.5 kg > 250 kg Assistance and supplemental lifts can be changed for similar ones and this can be done the first time running the program imo. Before this I had done a few different programs before each for a few months. That way he is still offering a service. [–]logoutyouidiot 2 points3 points4 points 2 years ago (3 children). Program Review - Juggernaut AI Powerlifting and Powerbuilding 2.0 My plan was to write this in 2 months as part of a meet recap, but without getting to into this ridiculous back story, while rearranging my garage gym at my apartment building I tore my bicep pushing my deadlift platform into place. Written by Calgary Barbell, the 16 week and 8 week programs are designed to improve the squat, bench press, and deadlift of the athlete in preparation for a powerlifting meet.You can, however, run them even if you’re not prepping for a meet. Progression is based upon how the weights feel as you move through the program. There are some customizability options when you buy the template since the template you get is determined by 4 factors you tell them when you order it. Volume varies depending on what accessory work you add to the program, but overall it feels like a "medium"-ish amount. I had a lot of fun with it and made some serious gains in both size and strength. I am trying to improve volume/ work capacity next training cycle). In retrospect, I should have deloaded a lot more often and the gains would have kept on coming. I got good results from the program and would run it again for sure. As a sport, powerlifting is perhaps one of the simplest. This program takes a lot out of you mentally. Currently at Taper week and I can confirm a pretty good jump in all my lifts but my body is wrecked. So much of conjugate training is working on your weaknesses, and to make it so that you don't need to be having a great day to perform well. The program is about slow, steady gains, like 5/3/1 programs, it seems that slower gains is safer and yield lower injury rate. As I said before, this was my first powerlifting program so keep that in mind when looking at the results. Other movements in this tier are isolation exercises or supportive exercises like face pulls or GHRs. The split suits me well. there is also an injury recovery protocol that I have personally used that was extremely helpful. instead of front squats you will have regular squats at a lower weight/higher rep range). Watch Dave Tate videos. As such they recommend doing things like high bar squats, incline / close grip bench, and deficit / stifflegged deadlifts over the competition movements in the hypertrophy phase, but recommend using at least one of the option for each lift as the comp for strength phases. I think once a week frequency works fine for my deadlift and the overall increase in being able to put in hard work translated well to an increase in my deadlift 1RM. Cons: Volume, Intensity, Frequency and Specificity for powerlifting is pretty low. Agreed. 5’10” -> 5’10” (lol) I’m with you. Ok, so there are usually three exercises a powerlifter focuses on since these are the lifts in competition. I dont always take them, but they are there if I need them, [–]iTITAN34 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (0 children). +Description: One of the only linear progression programs out there that was actually written for powerlifters by a powerlifter. At that point I had been training seriously for about 3 years. The other minor change was pulling sumo instead of conventional. I only now manage to squeak a 4th hour in a week by moving one workout to Sunday mornings, anything more takes up just too much time. Try for a new shrug 1RM every pressing workout? Week 2 is 4x5 + 1 amrap . Results: 19 Year old Male 82.5kg (6ft) each week I will add a set, ending at 5 or 6 sets. That’s what I love about Cody’s methodology. -It's a program review Other programs (looking at you J&T 2.0) have left me crushed and needing a deload halfway through. I looked at his programs - specifically a spreadsheet I found floating around with a bunch of programs - and I have no idea which one to follow. What kind of gains did you see with bench 3X? Both in terms of intensity used as well as reps per set and frequency of practice on the competition lifts. I used the daily minimums and maximums set out in the Bulgarian e-book, and I took their advice in not getting myself “amped up” before I did my lifts. I ended up swapping out hyperextensions because I couldn't load them heavy enough, for good mornings. In this way it manages fatigue very well because deloading every 4th week is more than enough for almost anyone. Sheiko likes to split volume into days such as Squat/Bench/Squat or Bench/Deadlift/Bench, but I found that to be too much of a hassle for setting up so I would combine the intra-sessions into Squat/Squat/Bench and etc. I did 5/3/1 for a while to build a base, then transitioned to conjugate. The answer you ultimately receive will largely depend upon the “camp” the person you asked belongs to. I also liked the freedom of picking my own accessory work. First year I ran it I got weaker and gave up with it. For 5 weeks, this produced amazing results for me. Alterations: Took out SLDL, because RDLs are far more effective. For the template itself: as you choose which lifts to use yourself, there is quite a bit of customizability in exercise selection. However, because the sessions don't always have the same number of sets to start, it feels like the extra sets get added/taken away from the wrong session (e.g., for RDLs I started with 3 sets on Mondays and 5 sets on Thursdays --> if 3 sets felt easy, I want to do 4 sets next Monday, not 6 sets on Thursday).Â. So you try to find out YOUR weakness and then try to enhance that. I’ve been deliberately sandbagging the squat AMRAPs (usually RPE 7-8) since I have an ongoing knee issue so the volume has been manageable; the 5x3 day is my least favorite. You will … Description and Context: 5/3/1 is a basic 3 week percentage increase program with a 1 week deload - however the Beyond 5/3/1 program's recommend a 6 week program and a 1 week deload. Like I couldn't tell if I was supposed to deload after a set # of weeks, [–]RealuEnthusiast 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (0 children). Don’t do this if you have limited time each workout session since days can run long. If you’ve got a spare 10 weeks, I think everyone should give it a try once. I still got stronger, I was just beat to hell all the time. [–]core-voidEnthusiast 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (0 children). Pros: It works very well for getting quick strength gains for lower body and the workouts are quick. I was a big fan of the squat variations as I felt like it gave me a lot of weakpoint work on non-back squat days without taxing me too hard. Followed by deadlift variation 3x10 followed by row variation 3x10 finished with 3x ab work Discussion: I did this program since it hit the internet in august 2017 to now, and have not at all pushed myself hard doing this program, because I don't want to push myself hard. Customisation: There were some optional strongman and conditioning parts but since I bought a personalised program I didn’t customise it further. It is really just blocks of 6-10. Hamstring curls 3x15DE upper: Competition bench 75x10x3 (sometimes as high as 85%x5x1). Greg Nuckols 28 Programs. Westside. Conclusion: I'm currently running the program a second time, as I saw good success the first cycle. I would just do the bench and squats and dip. I'm very certain that your own program will always be the best. You hit each main lift twice per week, once in the normal 3x5, 3x3, or 3x1 fashion with the third set AMRAP, then 5x10 on the opposite lift (eg. Conclusion: conjugate is very involved and requires a lot of thought. really depends just how beat up I am feeling. Discussion: Obviously I had amazing results with this program. +Customization: Candito lets you pick you assistance work each week and recommends changing exercises every week for those, he also lets you pick you shoulder press, row, and pullup variations and recommends changing those every 3-4 weeks. [–]MyNameIsDan_Enthusiast 14 points15 points16 points 1 year ago (5 children). The SSPT Cycle is a very smart program. I was feeling really good today so I adjusted the fatigue down to a 1 and was then prescribed 10x2 @ 330lbs. Auto-regulation: Conjugate is all about autoregulation. ), Auto-regulation: (Does the program use any form of auto-regulation of volume/intensity/loading and how well does it suit it’s intended purpose? -It pertains to only you and not the larger community Have you read Scientific Principles of strength training? I did a squat/deads and OHP/bench split, where I did Jugg sets/reps for one and 5/3/1 for the other, then rotated the next workout. A better conditioned lifter could take less time. By: Kyle Hunt. For me, this worked pretty well. I do think it was the best program I've ever run for bench, and will be back to try to bench specialization programs someday. Periodisation/Progression: Essentially two linear periodization waves. The upside of this was that by the time the next week started, Days 1 & 2 began to feel very light and my confidence under heavy weights was much higher. I first heard about Blevins's program when he was interviewed on a podcast (That episode can be found here) and from what I heard from him and from one of the hosts who has been using it, I decided to give it a shot. In other words, I got much better at gauging my RPE, and I learned that “just because I’m tired” is no excuse for a poor training sessions. As written, the first couple times through the accessories were perfect. I started this program 10 weeks ago with an estimated 1015 total - this would likely have been third attempts for me at a meet. -> 160, Bench ??? If your recovery (nutrition, sleep) aren’t on point, this program will destroy you. Of course, there are other iterations like UHF (Ultra High Frequency) which permit squatting and benching frequencies in excess of 3 to 4x/Wk. Two ways to go with that. Just the regular 5/3/1 for my main lifts. I am a 28 year old woman. I did start to feel around week 7-8 that the weights were much lighter than what I could have been doing, I don’t think I needed something as long as a 5-week cycle. Customization: (Is the program customizable? This was very important to me. -This is not a place for memes or rants. Usually two three sets for triceps, lats, lower backs, abs, or chest muscles. 5/3/1. Conclusion: A great program to run for short periods before hitting new maxes. I probably wouldn’t recommend it as a powerbuilding routine. [–][deleted] 7 points8 points9 points 2 years ago (3 children), [–]hamburgertrainedOld Broken Balls 11 points12 points13 points 2 years ago (2 children). Ivysuar 4-4-8 Program Overview Initially shared on Reddit's /r/fitness community by /u/ivysaur, the Ivysaur 4-4-8 Beginner Program was designed to improve upon the foundation laid out by popular "sets of 5" novice lifting programs like Starting Strength and Strong Lifts. I felt lucky that I didn’t end up with a more serious injury and being forced to take time off. Specificity: conjugate is as specific as you want it to be. The weights didn’t feel heavy (to me) until the final wave. Clinical Athlete with DPT Quinn Henoch has great information when it comes to working around injuries and nagging pains. 1,065lbs (484kg) -> 1,125lbs (511kg) over 20 weeks at 175lbs. It is hard, but with proper recovery and planning, can work well. I also find programming very interesting and wanted to take a shot at it myself. [–]rns294M | 660.0kg | 106.8kg | 392.1Wks | USPA | RAW 25 points26 points27 points 1 year ago (2 children). The most basic one. The program is also a great transition into Candito’s 6-week which is exactly what I did. use the following search parameters to narrow your results: -It's a meet report Just be careful when reading old-school articles, a lot of them have advice that applies to multiply lifters on steroids that doesn't really translate well to raw lifting. My progress on the program: Volume/Frequency/Loading/Intensity: conjugate is interesting because it is in a weird place for these parameters. [–]grammo13Enthusiast 1 point2 points3 points 2 years ago (1 child), [–]Bignipsfetish 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (0 children). The 2nd time around it may be smart to use one of the accessories on upper days to work in a bench variation. You're bored of one variation ? how many days a week you normally train (3,4,5,6), What style lifter are you on each lift (high/low bar squat, conventional/sumo deadlift, wide/medium/narrow bench), Where you typically fail your lifts (there are several options for each lift), if and when you have a meet planned (if you do, it will program around that to make sure you are peaked in time. Here are some of the most popular powerlifting programs for beginners. That worked well too and the volume was a lot more manageable. I wanted to enjoy Ph3 but after 2 months I stopped, I wasn't recovering and felt like an injury was on its way, [–]liberty1127Enthusiast 2 points3 points4 points 1 year ago (0 children), Barbell medicines 12 week strength/7 week hypertrophy, [–]readyspahgettiEnthusiast 4 points5 points6 points 1 year ago (1 child). It's uplifting to hit a PR every week or two; to hit a drop set with what was formerly your 1RM. For someone who thinks volume should be really high it is fairly low in this program. [–]liberty1127Enthusiast 5 points6 points7 points 1 year ago (1 child), Dude I put 100 lbs on my deadlift, 80 lbs on my squat and 50 lbs on my bench in 9 months of cycling 12 week strength and 7 week hypertrophy, [–]ropable_snrM | 515kg | 72kg | 377Wks | APU | Raw 2 points3 points4 points 1 year ago (0 children). Follow with assistance and accessory work. I think that now, not injured, this could have been sustainable. ... dr did not follow the program as written & went from 100kg tng to 110kg paused in 4 weeks. I've been running a 10 week modified version of GZCL for squats and a tapered version of deathbench. Any idea which program I should look into for sheiko? I think this has been a business decision of his. free Kizen infinite offseason program: A program with focus on offseason for powerlifting, though can be used as a general strenght program. In 6 weeks, squats went from 315 lbs x 5 to 330 x4. I never found it to be a major issue. And how well does it work? [–]Astro_SquidEnthusiast 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (0 children). Each template is 4 weeks of training followed by a deload. The program is split into three 4 week blocks of 3 weeks overload then 1 week deload. Squat and bench one day, then deadlift and bench variation the other. Description and Contex: I'm a 6'2" mediocre lifter who's been training consistently for 2 and a bit years. My back got a lot thicker too. Pros: Very specific, worked for me in regards to the goal of establishing a new 1RM. From the frequency, loading and periodization model to the results. I don’t know whether it’s the most effective program for me but it’s the most fun I’ve ever had in the gym and I’ve learnt so much about my body and the way I respond to training in the process. Training status and sex primarily influence the frequency and initial volume of the lifts, training days simply alter the volume of each day. It’s alright but I feel like I missed out on a lot of deadlift work. Recommendations: If you're just off a program like SL 5x5, 5/3/1 is a good step up from that. (self.powerlifting), submitted 1 year ago by alexcubiEnthusiast, I know it's been asked plenty of times but I'd like to know an updated version, my favorite has been Calgary Barbell's 16 week program, [–]the2ndexodusNot actually a beginner, just stupid 104 points105 points106 points 1 year ago (41 children). Can’t be mad about that. It's so simple... customization would be in the form of adding accessories and possibly pyramiding drop sets. I was basically doing each movement twice a week. He has called that very insignificant overall and I'd have to disagree with him there, considering he often talks about phase potentiation and growing the size of muscles to then teach them to produce more force. This is a 3-4 day per week advanced Powerlifting Program. About 2 years ago I decided to build a garage gym and focus on powerlifting. I had heard a lot of positive things about Sheiko online and had always wanted to give it a try, so signed up for a push pull meet and ran the full twenty weeks. Then I water cut 2kg into my weight class - never water cut again it trashed my performance. Ended without injury but fatigue was way beyond what i was capable of recover. When running it for bench, I also cut out most assistance work, only doing some light shoulder mobility and health work. -It's an interesting article or video of an elite or interesting lift relevant to the sport As a beginner, I don’t really know how to gauge RPE effectively. You hit each main lift twice per week, once in the normal 3x5, 3x3, or 3x1 fashion with the third set AMRAP, then 5x10 on the opposite lift (eg. I think Garrett Blevins also ran his own version of the cube. Alterations: The major change I made was continuing to train four days a week for the second block of the program, I did this because I have been training full body four days a week for the past year. At this time I was a novice-to-early intermediate lifter (6 months to 1 year of mediocre-ish training) with an idea of what my 1rm's were. That is the squat, bench press, and deadlift. My form felt no better than before the program in either lift even though both maxes increased slightly. I dont get too beat up because after every 3 or 6 week interval I am changing something. The two powerlifting set ups I have seen are Greg Nuckols and Omar Isuf’s e-book and a John Broz Q & A thread on Discussion: Overall, I really enjoyed the program. As for frequency, 2 times a week for an upper/lower split is pretty ideal but some may want more frequency on Bench, I found it fine. [–]BenchPolkovOld, tired and cranky 6 points7 points8 points 1 year ago (1 child). The 6 week program will have you lifting 5 times per week for the first 2 weeks. There are a lot of variations that can improve your weaknesses. You can still get strong as hell doing odd lifts; in fact, the odd lifts are great to throw in when you need a physical or mental deload of sorts; but choosing variations that are similar to you competition lifts is how you keep this style of training specific to powerlifting. I did The Bridge for a long time and it stopped to work, so I moved to The General Intermediate and it's helping me a lot. Bench press Now, gaining strength requires a lot of low rep training to really overload the nervous system. The Westside Barbell philosophy challenges popular beliefs about the way we think, how a strength training program should be structured and implemented.The efficacy of the program is validate… Please provide an analysis and opinion of the program based on some or all of the following factors…), Structure: (How is the program template structured in terms of main lifts, assistance, daily split, etc, and how well does it suit it’s intended purpose? this can be any number RM, but is typically done for a max single with the occasional triple or 5. the dynamic effort movement is moving a submaximal weight at max speed to optimize force production. I just kind of got good at hitting 80% for doubles. Description and Context: I bought a 12 week program from Brian at the end of 2017. If you're a beginner lifter, you might struggle here as there's nobody to really hold your hand. I’m running Tietz’s DUP as well (W3D5 today) and my only complaints are that all the squatting/benching is starting to take a toll on my elbows and that I wish it had a little more back work. I had come from 5/3/1 and doing my own modifications to it and was a bit stuck right around the 305-315 mark. It would be a standard chest day, leg day, and back day with the first exercise being their respective lifts. Squat: 405 -> 465 Customisation: You could possibly run it for OHP (Though your shoulders may hate you). I need more practice on the lifts and that’s what caused my decrease in 1RM. I was told I'd never lift heavy again about 5 times before I won gold at the IPF world championships one year. As you adjust your fatigue, the spreadsheet also adjusts the sets/reps or the weight prescribed for that specific lift or accessory accordingly. It was tons of fun, had tons of customization and allowed for loads of autoregulation. I do have a question, though. the repetition effort method is done every training day after the main work. Fors of high specificity and high frequency this split is ideal for most people in my opinion, Volume/Frequency/Loading/Intensity: I'd consider the program relatively low volume, which is necessary do to the frequency. In the 18 months ive been on the programme Ive added about 275lbs to my total all while dropping over 40lbs of bw. -It pertains to only you and not the larger community I estimate I had another 10kg or so in me. This program isn't for the people who needs to go balls-to-the-wall heavy all the time or have a hard time restraining themselves from going all-out. The variation has allowed me to focus on weak points and I use the 4th day as a bodybuilding day with a chest focus (another weak point). The best program performed 80% effort will give you less results than a basic program done at 100%. this is where we beat the shit out of our weak points using dumbbells, machines, single joint lifts, etc. I'd definitely say to stick closer to the program on that one than try to add in a load of accessory stuff. The ME method is just as it sounds, you are going to pick a movement and take it to the max. It didn't help. Front squat 3x5-7 Unilateral work 3x10. in my accumulation block I pick a rep ct (usually I choose 10) and do 3 sets of that rep count. All percentages are calculated off of a 90% training max, not your true 1 rep max. Volume/Frequency/Loading/Intensity: Sheiko is known for using submaximal weights and a lot of volume. This was a welcome learning experience though, as it developed my deep appreciation of intensity as weight lifted, within a sport, and individuals. (Sheiko/sub max style programming), [–]bigcoachD 8 points9 points10 points 1 year ago (4 children), [–]JeggerzM | 870kg | 171.4kg | 472Wks | UPA | RAW/Sleeves 7 points8 points9 points 1 year ago (1 child), [–]sp_the_ghostM | 517.5kg | 93.1kg | 324.84Wks | USPA | RAW 8 points9 points10 points 1 year ago (0 children). Yeah, yeah, I know, "just shut up and tell me the program." As you get later in the program you’ll be hitting some higher weights around 85%, as well as some days where you’ll hit 30+ reps at 70% over a few sets. You’re doing work now that will pay off at some point in the future. Just took a long time for sure, so I switched off at the end, [–]jimsankey923Not actually a beginner, just stupid 2 points3 points4 points 1 year ago* (0 children). Conclusion: I really hated it but I’m biased because I like and respond better to high intensity. I'd considering running Bulgarian to peak before, but I've since come around to the idea that there are much better ways to do this without ruing myself. Description and Context: This is a 4 day a week, 16 week program with four distinct phases set up to lead into a competition. REDDIT and the ALIEN Logo are registered trademarks of reddit inc. π Rendered by PID 9786 on r2-app-0f64ed3f19796ec40 at 2020-12-23 16:08:37.662992+00:00 running 6abf2be country code: FR. following back work is triceps and biceps work 3x10 on both at rpe 8 Fatigue Management: For most of this program I ate like a monster. It really is up to the lifter to figure out what to put in and how to manage it. Cons: I just don’t feel like Sheiko did anything for my squat. I definitely feel best physically on days 1, 3, and 4 strangely enough. after my main lift comes the supplemental lift, which is another barbell lift, with 1-3 degrees of variability targeted at a weak range of motion in a lift. Auto-regulation: RPE is used throughout the program. I paid for it, but it's free now. Like I said, towards the end my lifts started to regress. I didn't choose anything outside of the recommended accessories available in the app's drop down menu. You receive the excel spreadsheet via email and at the end of the 4 week block, you send back in your spread sheet so it can give you the next block of programming. Switch out the accessories to address weaknesses and boom, you good to go. Cons: Louie completely talks out of his ass and says nonsense stuff all the time. Percentages for your main movements are less than 65% of your goal weight for 30 or more reps; including warm ups or back off sets.
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