I suppose for now i’ll settle for book-marking and adding your RSS feed to my Google account. These two compounds act on the central nervous system. The botanical name is senna is Cassia senna and the Yorubas call it ewe asunwun. Mint leaf is called ewe minti in Yoruba. The botanical name is Mitracarpus scaber. Reply. We will be providing unlimited waivers of publication charges for accepted articles related to COVID-19. The leaves of this vegetable plant are eaten fresh as a salad or cooked in soups and sauces. Kam Ki Bate July 17, 2017. Garden Egg leaves are used in the preparation of vegetable stews and yam dishes. The botanical name of "efinrin", the scent leaf is "Ocimum grattissimum, Family Labiatae". It can be used to treat body aches and pains such as toothaches, headache, and arthritis pain. Moringa leaves rank among the most nutritionally rich plant material in living existence on the planet. Submit We hope you enjoy the produce of mother nature as much as we enjoy offering them to you. Herbs are plants with aromatic or . SCIENTIFIC NAME: LACTUSCA VIROSA. Plants eat plants! 2) Efo Yanrin. Over the counter diuretics have a tendency to suck the potassium out of the body but not the dandelion leaves. Thanks. Reply. People tend to mistake one for the other. Pondrá el; EFO Yanrin(leaves of Launaea Taraxacifolia), Ewe Rinrin(leaves of Pepperomia Pellucida), Ewe Awede/Awedewerisa(Leaves of Dissostis Rotundifolia), Ewe Odundun(Leaves Kalanchoe Crenata), Ewe Efo Tete(Leaves of Amaranthus Hybridus), (oveja) porogun/peregun Hojas de Dracanea Fragance) oveja osan mimu (hojas de Citrus sinesis). Fresh Dandelion leaves[it's called Efo yanrin in my language] 2. Local Name: Efo Igba (Yoruba) Botanical Name: Solanium marcrocarpon . Common names African-lettuce in English Gnantoto in language. Pls what is stinging beetle in Hausa and Igbo Also what is red clover called in Hausa and igbo. Reply. They are clearly two different plants and I doubt if there is any local name for Dandelion... 1 year Beware of your handset Phones. This plant is regularly utilized among societies and had tagged along path as a Herbal plant. This vegetable is commonly called Wild Lettuce and its botanical name is Lactuca virosa. amotsra in Tigrinya angŏto in Ewe beletama in Ewe bĕlĕ tama or bĕblĕ tama in Ewe cable in Somali dadedru in Twi dedaeru in Twi emaeg in language. Reply. E.g Senna, Aloe, Whole leaf. Efo igbo, efo tete efo yanrin, ego shoko etc. leaves of Senecio biafrae – worowo in Yoruba; leaves of Talinum triangulare (water leaf) or Basella alba, Indian spinach in English, Amunututu in Yoruba Update: Aside from the fruit, every other part of S. macrocarpon has been reported to cause heart failure, digestive problems, and lethargy in dogs. Löwenzahn-Dornlattich in German Mmrobo in Twi Yanrin in Yoruba agblŏke in language. I … Mar 26, 2019 - Explore Franowens's board "Tree spinach" on Pinterest. These include the leaves, stem, roots and flowers. ENGLISH NAME: WILD LETTUCE. 2. Pls in igbo. Senna has been known for its antimicrobial properties; as a result it can be used to treat STDs like gonorrhea, syphilis and staph. Reply Delete. Unknown 27 October 2018 at 20:23. brit September 26, 2017. 1. 4.It help in … Mar 11, 2019 - Explore Laura Stewart's board "Tree spinach" on Pinterest. 6. Name of Animal Botanical Name Monkey Macaca fascicularis Elephant Loxodonta africana Squirrel Sciurus carolinensis Bats Tacca chantriers Grasscutter Thryonomys swinderianus Antelopes Annova reticulata Deer Cervidae Bee honey Apis mellifera Lion Panthera leo Snakes Venomous Buffalo Bubalus arnee Leopard Panthera pardius Crocodile Crocodylus acutus Snail Phylum mollusca Wolf Canis lupus … Spinach (Efo Tete) Spinach is alluded to as Efo Tete. I’d most certainly donate to this fantastic blog! This plant also goes by the French name, Pissenlit. Launaea taraxacifolia (Willd.) Amina March 29, 2017 Tulsi is same as Basil and it is Effirin in Yoruba. It reduces the chances of having kidney disorder 3. Hello please, I have the pain of finding mint leave in nigeria but since I don't know the local name, I don't even know where or how to look. Article 59: "EFINRIN" (The Scent Leaf) By S.Olanrewaju Disu . Ironically enough when used in the tea form made by the leaves or the root has a tendency to act as a diuretic on the kidneys. It’s botanical name is Cnidoscolous aconitifolius. The mineral content of the leaves is known to be … Lawsonia inermis – henna, cypress shrub, egyptian privet, alkanna – laali in yoruba, uhie inine in Igbo. It uses includes the following: It is used to treat skin infections such as dermatoses, scabies, and ringworms. We are committed to sharing findings related to COVID-19 as quickly and safely as possible. Wild lettuce (Efo Yanrin-Yoruba) Laxative – Herbs that promote bowl movement. This type of spinach is native to the tropics and the Pacific region, specifically Cuba, Hawaii, and now Florida as well. Mint leaf is a valuable ingredient both in Nigerian cuisine and medicine that every Yoruba native is familiar with. NAME: AKPAN BLESSING BADGE: 2 STAR DEPARTMENT: BIOCHEMISTRY, NIGERIA. The botanical name is Taraxacum Officinate. The "efirin" is a very peculiar plant in the tropics. African spinach (green) is Efo Tete not just Efo.Efo is the general yoruba name for all leaft veg. Anonymous June 12, 2014 - 6:26 am. EFO YANRIN (WILD LETTUCE) English Name:Dandelion greens. NAME :EFO YANRIN(YORUBA). S/n Botanical Names Local/Vernacular Names Family Growth Form Part Used Cultivation ... 27 Lactuca taraxacifolia Yanrin, Efo gbenuoke Asteraceae Herb Leaves Uncultivated 28 Lagenaria siceraria Igba, Ugba, Itakun agba Curspitaceae Herb Leaves Uncultivated 29 Launaea taraxacifolia Yanrin, Yamurin, Itakin-igba Asteraceae Herb Leaves and Stem Cultivated & Uncultivated Launaea taraxacifolia – African lettuce, wild lettuce – efo yanrin. To mention some of the uses, the leaf serves as a decongestant for head colds, bronchitis and sinusitis. See more ideas about Tree spinach, Battle creek, Cereal city. The plant, commonly found in West Africa, is used in the management of many diseases including cardiovascular, respiratory, haematological, endocrine, and metabolic diseases in Ghana, Nigeria, Benin, Serra Leone, and Senegal. 5. Efo Amunututu also called Malabar Spinach with a Scientific Name: Basella alba is common in the south western part of Nigeria, some refer it as Indian Spinach, but the common English names include Ceylon spinach, buffalo spinach, creeping spinach, climbing spinach, red vine spinach, Indian spinach, Surinam spinach, Chinese spinach, Vietmese spinach, broad bologi. Any author submitting a COVID-19 paper should notify us at help@hindawi.com to ensure their research is fast-tracked and made available on a preprint server as soon as possible. The "Efirin" (scent leaf) is an important vegetable sold in large markets in Lagos Area because of its manifold medicinal usages. Components: It contains the following nutrients lactucic acid, lactucopicirin, lactucose and lactucin. Dandelion root tea has helped some actually avoid surgery for urinary stones. Maca root is a well-known plant in Nigeria and has its own Yoruba name – it’s known among Nigerians as isu baka. This vegetable has been known to be used in curing numerous ailments. All the names of herbs and plants in yoruba language. The pulped foilage is belived to have antiseptic properties. Yoruba name for parsley leaf. Pls am new to this group, pls I need the Yoruba name for dandelion plant, someone said it’s called efo yanrin but it seemed not correct, pls help. The many uses to which the plant is subjected to locally are incredible. The plant is often grown for cropping the leaves which are sold in markets cooked or rolled up balls. Yoruba name for mint leaf . To some culture, they never realized its medical advantages. The plant has proven antibacterial and antifungal properties which makes it suitable for treating infections. See more ideas about Cooking recipes, Cooking, Recipes. sasha December 8, 2016 Dandelion is Yanrin in Yoruba. ENANTIA CHLORANTA AWOPA . It’s a pity you don’t have a donate button! Local Name: Efo Yarin (Yoruba) Botanically: Taraxacum officinale, Family Asteraceae. HERE is the herbal remedy for small,short and thin penis below; Herbs/Ingredients. Chao. Dandelion Plant Wild Letuce - Efo Yarin Dandelion plant (Taraxacum officinale) is not wild lettuce (Lactuca capensis) called "efo yanrin" or "yanrin oko" in Yoruba. Launaea taraxacifolia – African lettuce, wild lettuce – efo yanrin. It is also used to cure insomnia, gout, scorpion stings, memory and vision impairment. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Wild lettuce contains two compounds known as lactucin and lactucopicrin. Reply Delete. This Vegetable is popular in Oke Ogun areas of Oyo State, especially Saki and environs. Posted by S .O .DISU at 06:13 No comments: Monday, 27 September 2010. Wild Lettuce (Efo Yanrin) Bitter leaf (Efo Ewuro) Efo tete; Lagos Spinach (Efo shoko-shokoyokoto) Waterleaf (Gbure) African Eggplant leaf (Efo Igbo) Malabar Spinach (Amunututu) African Basil (Efirin) Fluted pumpkin leaf (Ugu) Yoruban Bologi (Efo Ebolo) Parsley *There is no Yoruba name for parsley, as it is not originally West African Yoruba names for herbs, fertility herbs, Plants & Spices. Every part of the plant has been found to be extremely beneficial. Dandelion is highly nutritious and medicinal. Photo: The "Efo Yanrin"-Wild Lettuce. LETTUCE YANRIN. Efo Yanrin (Wild Lettuce) English Name:Dandelion greens Local Name: Efo Yarin (Yoruba) Botanically: Taraxacum officinale, Family Asteraceae. Replies. tosin January 12, 2017 pls what is TULSI or TULASI leaf mean in yoruba? Amin ex C. Jeffrey is a herb found mostly in tropical Africa. They just know it is consumable and it offers as they would prefer bud. BENEFITS OF EATING WILD LETTUCE 1. The leaves of this vegetable plant are eaten fresh as a salad or cooked in soups and sauces. They are aperients that are used for stool softening purpose. 5. Reply. 1) Efo iyanapaja This vegetable is commonly called tree spinach, or efo Jerusalem (Yoruba). OUTLINES Health benefits How to eat the vegetable of Dandelion HEALTH BENEFITS OF DANDELION Dandelion is known as Efo Yanrin in Yoruba. Kindly furnish with English and Botanical name of "Efo Osun". eremi in language. Most of us are very familiar with plain old regular spinach, but have you ever heard of the chaya plant or tree spinach? Replies. The leaves have a very bitter taste. Unknown 27 October 2018 at 20:25. Aloe Vera is a super plant for making liquid fertilizer, the nutrients in this plant is enormous and makes for a perfect source for plant supplement. It has bitter taste like Bitter leaves. It energies the body. Select some healthy succulent leaves of Aloe Vera and blend in a blender ( It will turn to a slimy paste), add equal weight of brown sugar. It helps in keeping the nervous system healthy.
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