JUNGLE FEVER is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word which means “Attraction between people of different race”. The higher the terms are in the list, the more likely that they're relevant to the word or phrase that you searched for. (medicine) Any of several tropical diseases, but especially malaria. Hmmmm…Interesting question. The film mainly explores interracial relationships against the urban backdrop of the streets of 1990s New York City. The term yellow fever is analogous to the term jungle fever, an offensive slang expression used for racial fetishism associated with Caucasian women whose sexual interests focus on black men. More Slang articles: Top Millennial Slang of 2020. JUNGLE FOWL, noun. Dumb asked question. a severe variety of malarial fever occurring in the East Indies and the tropics. Lv 7. It's when a black girl Finds a strong sexual pull to a white guy(or girl) and ends up only sleeping with white people Jungle fever is when one is attracted to Darkies.Joel has a severe case of the Jungle fever. Some people associate the "jungle" with liking black people, but that is not the best use of the term. Friends and family of a married black architect react in different ways … It’s time for some tea, fam — we’re going all out on another roll-call, and this time we’re focusing on the dankness that is Millennial slang. The official Urban Dictionary API is used to show the hover-definitions. Sibling Alert. If an internal link led you here, you may wish to change the link to point directly to the intended article. For all those people who find it more convenient to bother you with their question rather than search it for themselves. Dated term for tropical disease, especially severe malaria "Jungle Fever" (SMBSS episode), an episode of The Super Mario Bros. Super Show! Slang squad! All Rights Reserved. Originally it was used for when a white woman dates black men, but now it could refer to a white man who thinks black women are hot and wants to date them. nothing much, just f**king around. JUNGLE FEVER. The song reached #8 in the 1972 United States Billboard Hot 100 and peaked at #29 in the United Kingdom. excess. What about a black man with an Asian or Latino? I don't see why they should as jungle fever is usually a term for malaria, a disease which is not in the least racist. Other groups? Is there any similar slang phrase for being attracted to latinos/latinas? 9 years ago. Citation from "Peter, Peter, Caviar Eater", Family Guy (TV), Season 2 Episode 1 (1999) blacked out to resolve Google's penalty against this site . JUNGLE FEVER Posted on December 29, 2016 at 6:26 pm. ALL IN A DAYS WORK. "The boldness. Other names used for those with an Asian fetish are rice kings, rice chasers and rice lovers. A dark bluish-green color, like the plants in a jungle. With Wesley Snipes, Annabella Sciorra, Spike Lee, Ossie Davis. A black man who likes white women is also said to have "jungle fever". SLO. It has different parts to it, Did you see Jenny with that Black Guy she totally has. I'm not talking about malaria but a black and white couple. Remember to always show respect and not to do terrible accents (unless you’re quite smashing at it, mate). I know that “Jungle Fever” is a slang phrase for being attracted to black people; and “Yellow Fever” applies to orientals.
Any interracial sexual relationship. What is the origin of the term "jungle fever"? Mix that brown sugar with the white girl and you have jungle fever. (slang, ethnic slur) Attraction of a person of non-African descent towards people of … Today we’ll be visiting our neighbors across the pond here at Slang.org to give you a deep dive into the countries most enticing jargon. Find more ways to say jungle fevers, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Slang: Sometimes Offensive. jungle fever Though historically the term implied the sexual attraction of a Caucasian to an African, it has since been more widely used to denote the sexual attraction of an individual from a more expansive set of ethnic origins (e.g., Asian, Indian, Middle Eastern, Latino, or even Aboriginal, etc.) We would greatly appreciate your contribution if you would like to submit your own! (malaria: tropical disease) malaria nf nombre femenino: Sustantivo de género exclusivamente femenino, que lleva los artículos la o una en singular, y las o unas en plural. D'jango's Woman. slow. Jungle Fever is a 1991 American romantic drama film written, produced and directed by Spike Lee. jungle fever n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. AIADW. MKP. Below you’ll […]. Today we’re diving deep with some of the most lit terms from 2017. Indians? #cocaine #heroin #speedball #jungle fever … Noun jungle fever (uncountable) (medicine) Any of several tropical diseases, but especially malaria. No one uses the phrase "jungle fever" anymore, so it’s no surprise that after 25 years, the Spike Lee joint Jungle Fever has not aged well. Another word for jungle fever. jungle fever - slang term for romance or attraction between two people of different races, often black and white. Due to the way the algorithm works, the thesaurus gives you mostly related slang words, rather than exact synonyms. Thanks!! JUNGLE FEVER, noun. Is that also "jungle fever"? Written for the Spike Lee film of the same name, “Jungle Fever” refers specifically to a slang term for a white person who is attracted to a black person. Mostly refers to interracial attraction because of stereotypes or curiosity. 1 0. Recently, we’ve been scoping plenty of sketches and songs that are trying to yeet in this kind of slang left and right, often to great comedic effect. […], Suh, fam? Share ; Tweet. Never think about the term...like I have said in several posts..don't think that much about race until I gt on here b/c that's the only topic that people want to talk about on here. "Jungle Fever" is a 1971 track performed by Belgian producers The Chakachas, written by pianist and arranger Willy Albimoor (as Bill Ador) and first issued in Belgium by Swineyard, an independent. The film stars Wesley Snipes, Annabella Sciorra, Lee, Ossie Davis, Ruby Dee, Samuel L. Jackson, Lonette McKee, John Turturro, Frank Vincent, Halle Berry, Tim Robbins, and Anthony Quinn, and is Lee's fifth feature-length film. A black man who likes white women is also said to have "jungle fever". Some people associate the "jungle" with liking black people, but that is not the best use of the term. ‘Jungle Fever’ is the ‘attraction of a person of non-African descent towards people of African descent’ (Some scholars believe “ Jungle Fever” originally meant malaria; the term … Citation from "James Ellison Funeral", Party Down (TV), Season 2 Episode 4 blacked out to resolve Google's penalty against this site . Be warned: some of these terms have been around since before MMXVII, but our Slang.org experts have made sure to include only words that have either had a revival or are at least relevant to current slang-biosphere. Written by happychap. jungle fever Definition. JUNGLE GREEN, noun. My Kind of place. Is there another slang term for that? 1. Find more ways to say jungle fever, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. jungle fever: [noun - uncountable] attraction to black people. Submit a new or better definition for JUNGLE FEVER. Note that this thesaurus is not in any way affiliated with Urban Dictionary. Search jungle fever and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. Basic introduction. Slang squad! JUNGLE GREEN, adjective. Bamboo_Boy March 20, 2009, 11:18pm #2. Furthermore it almost always seems to refer to a black man with a white woman, but not a white man with a black woman. Whites? noun Pathology. And why the reference to a jungle specifically? Copyright 2016 Slang.org. More slang terms: NMJFA. Definition … Exemplos: la mesa, una tabla. Alternative spelling of junglefowl. Directed by Spike Lee. It is used during chats and online conversations on … Jungle Fever, an Atari 2600 video game published by Playaround; This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the title Jungle Fever. SA. a person’s preference for a sexual or romantic relationship that is interracial, … (slang) (ethnic slur) Attraction of a person of non-African descent towards people of African descent. How to use the term JUNGLE FEVER: There are no example uses of JUNGLE FEVER at this time. "Jungle fever" is a slang term that is used in a derogatory way to describe interracial relationships. It was Lee's fifth feature-length film. Slang.org is a community-driven dictionary and database of slang terms. The opposite of jungle fever. 101. Another word for jungle fevers. Jungle Fever is a 1991 American romance drama film written, produced, and directed by Spike Lee, starring Wesley Snipes and Annabella Sciorra. On this year […], Ay-up, ladies and gents: it’s time for a British Slang roll-call! Random Slang Terms: XS. to a … You have white guys and girls who don't rule out a relationship or a life with someone outside their own group, and you have black guys and, when bitches like christina do anything for a, It was first used for White people to describe another White person that is attracted to a Black person or another Race that is dark skinned .Then in 1980s or after Spike Lee movie call Jungle which was about a Black man and a White women and vice versa it was used for when a Black person and a White person who are attracted to each other .Now it used for anyone who is attracted to the opposite race .And Yes it is not just a name it is really fever and some people have it really bad there is no cure for it but you can catch by being around or confined with people the opposite race . DAQ. jungle fever drugs Oakland slang for a speedball, heroin mixed with cocaine, so-called because cocaine is known as white girl and heroin in the Western U.S. is often brown or off-white in color. A Stevie Wonder song about black man/white woman love. 180 were donated in October This month, we are on track to donate 191. home recent additions webmaster page banners feed a child. jungle fever When a non-black person is atracted sexually to black people. The Fever is generally seen as affecting both parties. The term originates in the fact that it is a well known fact that Darkies live in the jungles of Africa.Whenever someone mentions "jungle fever", one must think of a tribesman beating a … jungle fever: ( mă-lār'ē-ă ), A disease caused by the presence of the sporozoan Plasmodium in human or other vertebrate erythrocytes, usually transmitted to humans by the bite of an infected female mosquito of the genus Anopheles that previously sucked blood from a person with malaria. Literally a 5 minute walk to the Columbus Convention Center, less than a 10 minute walk to the Nationwide Arena, blocks away from both the historical Short North district and Downtown Columbus and minutes from Ohio State, our beautiful modern jungle homes are in the middle of everything!! JUNGLE FEVER, noun.
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