With funding from UNESCO Caribbean Cluster Office and support from the CBU and RJR Gleaner group, the PMA has worked with media professionals in the Caribbean to develop new guidelines for social media use. Always check the sources being used by contributors to see if it’s appropriate content for your audience. Browse the GuidelinesThe Editorial Guidelines are the BBC's editorial values and standards. Peer Review Process. If that’s the case, then Sharepoint may be for you. You should still pick a dominant tense for your writers to defer to in most circumstances. The key differences between the four style guides are largely related to formatting, though there are some grammatical and structural variations as well. oxford comma, text formatting, image formatting). The voice is the overall expression of your brand, while the tone is how that message is delivered. How should the headlines be formatted? Consistency is key. What about weak words or the passive voice? external versus internal links). In-depth information about the templates and editorial guidelines. We want to create that works for you business size At this phase, you just want to sketch out some basic concepts that can later support your editorial strategy. It’s similar to a content checklist, but it’s more formal and used by marketing teams. On academic websites, for example, longer sentences and paragraphs are the norm. These are the grammatical rules to call out in your style guide. If your blog features a variety of content, set a minimum word count for each type of post. In addition to the personality traits and tone of voice as well as the writing on brand section, here are some general editorial guidelines to help you write content that showcases your story while remaining on brand. Looking for tips on writing newspaper editorial format? The way your content flows is largely dependent on its formatting. Designing, building, and supporting the web since 2001. Recommend a preferred keyword research tool and choose a few keyword phrases that you have a shot of ranking for. This style guide isn’t a popular choice for most bloggers due to its meticulous nature. There may be times where a word can be spelled correctly in two or more ways, so which one should your writers choose? Two critical elements of marketing content are often overlooked: brand voice, and tone. See the Editorial policy for more information. Define Photography Guidelines. This is why having a default style guide for your writers and editors to refer to is crucial. The editorial can be written to accuse, praise, explain something or to persuade an audience depending on the context. On recipe or hobby blogs, however, shorter sentences and paragraphs can help to drive a point home. A cohesive approach to your digital content, especially the content on your blog, is critical to your brand. While some companies use editorial guidelines to cover stylistic and grammatical expectations, we believe in transparency, and thus extend them to also include strategic objectives for the blog. Here you want to outline your general preference and when exceptions should be made. If you prefer to create your own style guide from scratch, then consider the step-by-step process outlined below. Editorial Guidelines for all content submissions . 2 EXAMPLES OF BBC EDITORIAL GUIDELINES BBC EDITORIAL GUIDELINES. An editorial policy is indispensable for your site. If more robust collaboration is needed, especially when you’re just beginning to create your editorial style guide, you may prefer a platform like Confluence. Blog post length varies depending on the objective of your post. The most common spelling differences are those with American English versus British English variations. With our simple steps you can find out how to write good editorial on your own. This will largely depend on your content platform, and it may vary by image type (featured image versus in-content image). An editorial style guide ensures a standard baseline for quality and consistency. 1. What's your yearly revenue? More than just a preferred list of grammar rules, an editorial style guide provides your content team with guidelines for the creation of useful, on-brand content. If you like the idea of a simple document, then consider Google Docs. Editorial Guidelines Thank you for your interest in contributing editorial material to The Financial Brand, one of the banking industry's largest and most respected publications, with nearly 2 million readers in 200+ countries around the world. How will your writers know when they hit the nail on the head or, conversely, miss the mark? An editorial style guide, also called a writing style guide or content style guide, provides information people need to be clear and consistent when they communicate on behalf of or about your organization. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This style guide is ideal for academic writing, including blogs or websites dedicated to discussing academic subjects. Academic? Preference for all articles, columns and Web content is given to publishing information provided by VMA and VRC (Valve Repair Council) member companies. The Editorial Guidelines are the BBC's values and standards. Tiny details like punctuation, grammar and word choice will be noticed, especially by your loyal readers. Your guidelines can take a number of different formats and can be as simple as a bulleted list using headings pulled from the steps listed above. The Chicago Manual of Style is the most rigorous of the style guides. Guidelines ensure your posts are consistent in style and tone, cut down editing time and lead to higher quality content overall. These editorial guidelines are designed to help you understand what we accept and don't accept for inclusion in our article database. Some can argue that every blog has its particular requirements, but there are always some common things I find on every “write-for-us” page. That means putting the subject first (active) or putting the object first (passive). Tier 1: Editorial Board assessment. Here are few things to consider when it comes to images. These guidelines have been updated to reflect guarantees made about the future editorial independence of Sky News and to ensure that ultimate responsibility for editorial content rests with the Head of Sky News. There isn’t one style guide better than the other as they all have their strengths and weaknesses. Review Microsoft Advertising guidelines about Product Ads, as well as ad extensions and other formats. Writers should have the answers to questions like: Simple formatting tips like, “use headers to break up large blocks of text” or “paragraphs should be no longer than four sentences” help lay the foundation too. Add best practices for hyperlinking text in your content. From witty one-liners to groupings of five to six sentences, there are many valid ways to form a paragraph. Other selfie-related incidents involved a 16-year-old Taiwanese girl and a 62-year-old Australian man being gored by bison. What does your brand sound like? Example: PHOTOS & CUTLINES <00325.JPG> ARMY PHOTO BY SPC JOHNNY CREWCHIEF A 1st Bn., 82nd Avn. Editorial: A double whammy of a lingering pandemic and a no-deal Brexit could see 4.2 million unemployed by 2022. Writing Guidelines. In submitting to PNAS, all authors must agree to abide by PNAS editorial and journal policies. Is it playful and cheeky or honest and straightforward? If your freelancer has created an editorial style guide in your niche, then ask them for recommendations based on their previous work. Otis's editorial policy was based on civic boosterism, extolling the virtues of Los Angeles and promoting its growth. It has a slightly more formal bent than the MLA, though not so formal as the Chicago Manual of Style. We strive to educate and collaborate with like-minded businesses to make a difference environmentally and socially. We want to sound human, not institutional. Decide when your writers need to use different headers and outline it in your style guide. These are the keys to success in content marketing. Below, we've listed the style reference and dictionary used by our evaluators and editors. There’s no need to write up a 10-page editorial guideline, but you should at least have the basics in place if you want your writers to deliver content that meets and exceeds your blog standards. The American Psychological Association (APA) style guide is most commonly used in college in science and social science courses. Don’t forget to let writers know how to properly source their images. The point of view you choose will depend largely on your content niche and your overall tone. In our guidelines we state: Posts on the Orbit website are helpful, not self-promotional. You should come to the table with some information prepared, though. Editorial guidelines have always included standards for style and grammar. Since virtually every content marketing program involves a blog, it’s worth taking the time to create (or borrow) the one document that makes all future planning and collaboration a bit easier: editorial guidelines. Is your brand voice considerate and simple like Uber or functional and expressive like Starbucks? Editorial tips. There are very real potential consequences to improperly attributed imagery, so this part of your style guide should be very specific. For example, italicizing terms that have a technical or special meaning. Place the story’s most interesting word or phrase as close as possible to the start of the headline. No jargon or corporate speak. This guide is designed for aspiring editorial design professionals, including designers working in related jobs and complete beginners. Learn about our advertising policies related to specific types of content, products and services that are regulated or banned. Include examples if you can. Without clear guidelines in place, your inbox will soon be flooded with questions from your writers and editorial staff. Keep it interesting and conversational. The individuality status and exertion habits of the lead editor play major roles in setting the editorial pitch. Have a read through their typographical explanations where they exemplify how to set headings, body copy and pull quotes with easy to navigate examples. The MarTech Advisor Guest Author Program and Community Contributor Program are opportunities for industry practitioners to share their voice and perspectives with our audience of millions of marketers. This section of your style guide should discuss how links on your blog should be formatted, but also how often to use links and to where (e.g. 5.3.63 Acquired programmes must comply with our Editorial Guidelines on Harm and Offence. Using this previous experience can boost the quality of your style guide and prevent issues caused by ambiguity. But since these guidelines are for a blog, we need to include some elements specific to digital, like keyphrases and images.