Good luck with your experiments. How to Use Stinging Nettle Seeds for the Best Health Benefits. Enjoy! I believe the restaurant used blanched or dried. Dry or cook nettle leaves to remove the stinging effect. Read More. It certainly shows how hardy nettle is. It has been in a paper bag a few days and is partly dry. Start off with about 1 teaspoon of seeds per day. They are encased in what looks like green bishops hats (mitres) gathered in funny geometric clusters and are best gathered when green. I would love to know your history with the humble nettle seed. Part of this comes from the fact that it is intensely nutritive, being dense with minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. For pizza, I like sauteed nettle with garlic – oh so good! Sip and enjoy! One of the biodynamic herbs. I wanted to understand the herbs that grew where I live. The tap root can be surprisingly large compared to the rest of the plant. May 28, 2014 at 2:43 pm […] dry your leaves, rinse and pat dry. The seed is naturally wind propagated. Here’s my tutorial on drying herbs. to dehydrate them in a oven at it’s lowest temperature, or will this in some way lower the nutritional value of the plant ? You’ll find my favorite recipes, tips and how to’s for making tasty homemade food & preserves. It loves rich, moist soil high in nitrogen. Are you ready to put on your gloves and harvest some stinging nettle? Should I try to plant these nettles? Stinging Nettle Benefits: In the Garden . Dry in a dehydrator on the lowest temperature setting, about 95°F for 12 to 18 hours. However, one of the easiest ways to take nettle … Good luck! Thanks for visiting and commenting, it’s great to hear about other people’s experiences. I have a small patch in my backyard, will that be enough for me to cook with, or will i have to forage around the neighborhood to supplement? Cut about 2 -3 inches above ground level just above where there are two leaves branching off. I’d love to hear what you thought, please let us know! White Dead Nettle looks very similar to stinging nettle but does not sting here in UK. They have specific actions on the kidney and are often used in cases of kidney failure. And here they are! Please let me know below your experiences with this wonderful little seed. Oh, if you do happen to get stung, try soothing it with a paste of baking soda and water or an anti-histamine cream. Getty. If … What do you use yours for? In the image below you’ll see two nettle plants that appear to both be covered in seeds. If you have a dark, dry, airy space to hang small bundles of nettle, that might be another option to consider. So, what do you think? From 4 kg of fresh seeds 1 kg of dry nettle seeds is obtained. Home-grown veggies, our hens’ eggs, foraged wild foods & local ingredients. We breed Muscovy ducks for eggs and meat and have laying hens in the garden. A friend gifted me some harvested nettle. Welcome to my site! Read More. The Bull Nettle has edible seeds and an edible taproot too. In tea, the flavor is more pronounced so I usually mix it with hyssop, chamomile, mint or some other flavorful herb. I’d try using it up by then. Place about 2 teaspoons of dried leaves in a tea strainer. You can take nettle a few ways – herbal tea, tincture, or you could even eat the nettle leaves. If you do happen to get stung during your foragings, this plantain salve recipe is a must. Puree the potatoes in the stock and add the nettle leaves – puree more if needed. Nettle tincture is most helpful for allergies when taken for more than 30 days, however, we’ve upped the dose for acute allergy symptoms and got pretty quick relief. They are easily confused, and it’s only since reading this article that I’ve learnt the difference. While they continue to be safe to eat, quality goes down quickly after about 8 months or so. I’m not sure what the nutrient loss is, but since you have it, you might as well try using it. Soak in alcohol to make a tincture. Basically, any recipe calling for cooked spinach or kale can be made with stinging nettle. So, say you’re struggling with anxiety and insomnia, they will calm you and help you sleep. Or you can put them in a […] Reply. J Med Food. Here's a, Anyone else enjoy hot pepper and cream cheese on c, As delicious as it looks, this quinoa black bean s, Have you tried making infused vinegars? All content copyright © 2019 Getty Stewart | Website & logo design by, How to Saute Red Cabbage – A Classic German Recipe », Time for what’s in #getgettyskitchen ! I would appreciate your advice Hi I’d search Google, rifle through Jonny’s herb & wild plant books, watch videos and then create little flashcards with the most important info I’d discovered. Sprinkle some roasted nettle seeds on your morning smoothie, or add to yogurt or granola for extra crunch. Filed Under: All Recipes, Autumn Recipes, Herbal Remedies, Nettle Recipes, The Kitchen, Wild Food, Your email address will not be published. Eating them in their raw or dried form. Nettle tincture is most helpful for allergies when taken for more than 30 days, however, we’ve upped the dose for acute allergy symptoms and got pretty quick relief. Thanks for sharing such an important lesson, Dee. Use 3 cups of loose fresh nettles in the biscuit recipe, 6 cups in the soup. It gets rid of the irritation within seconds. great thread! They are known to a nourishing stimulant, so will perk you up without giving you the crash found with caffeine products. But if I cut them short and they grow back can I cut them then and eat them, on their second growth or do I have to wait until next year. As for dehydrating in the oven, Vitamin A and C are sensitive to heat, so you may lose more of those vitamins due to the higher heat of the lowest oven setting vs the dehydrator. They are, however safe to eat. We make nettle tea and spray it on our plants to give them a pick me up in cool spring weather. It’s not an issue for anyone in my family, but something to be aware of and a reason why people often recommend harvesting nettle before it goes to seed. The more significant issue is that those tiny hollow barbs also release a chemical mixture made up of serotonin, acetylcholine, histamine and formic acid. In the photo below, you can see the two leaf sets on either side of the cut, both of these will grow into new shoots. The nettle plant starts producing seeds from late summer to early winter (here in Cornwall, UK). Sign up to get articles by Getty delivered to your inbox. I’m not sure if the spittle bug which make white foamy homes like nettles. Once the sesame seeds are hot to the touch (perhaps 3 minutes) add the sea vegetables along with the nettle seed, stir, and toast for just 1 minute more, stirring occasionally or shaking the pan. Not only is it highly nutritious (rich in Vitamin A, C, D, K, iron, calcium and protein), it’s also delicious, versatile, easy to recognize, and free. Nettle seeds need light to germinate, so you should use a small amount of soil to cover them. 300 Seeds My “stinging nettles” did not sting either but everything else looked right. Nettle Seed Honey. When kept in cool, dry conditions, most seeds maintain good germination rates for multiple years. How to use/consume Dried Nettle Seeds? Hi Aaron, thanks for the feedback, glad you enjoyed the article. Please be careful. The long stems make nettle perfect for hang drying. It has been used for natural medicine, as a food additive, and as a source of dietary fiber. Pour boiling water over it and let it seep for 10 to 15 minutes. Raw nettle will irritate the throat and cause pain and discomfort. Also Read: How to Prepare and Use Stinging Nettle, How to Freeze Stinging Nettle, How to Dry Stinging Nettle Despite what others may say, you’re not crazy! Fresh seeds are okay, but it's best to dry them as "they have a gentler effect," she says. Steep in a teapot for 10-20 minutes along with any other fresh or dried herbs you fancy. Stinging nettle grows wild and is full of nutrition and health benefits. It grows rapidly and will reach its typical 3-5 foot height quite quickly. Plant 1-3 seeds in a pot that is filled with a good quality potting soil. As for the brown spots, I’m not sure what they might be, but I probably would avoid them. Here’s what I’ve learned about finding, harvesting, drying, freezing and using stinging nettle. Their flavour is pretty neutral and they add a little texture, but they’re certainly not unpleasant. The green seed is quickly separated from any stray leaves or stems by sifting it through a standard steel mesh kitchen sieve. Hi, what I thought was stinging nettles actually turned out to be white snake root which is a poisonous plant. Getty. 2011;14(12):1554-1561.21861725. 5 Reasons to Make Red Raspberry Leaf TeaMelissa K. Norris. Here's my tutorial on drying herbs. I’m guessing that I can, but all of the recipes I’ve found have required fresh nettles. Hi Tim, This is your year. Have a look, stay a while, leave a comment or drop me a line. The sensation may last just a few minutes or a couple of hours, depending on the amount of contact and each individual. Here are 6 evidence-based benefits of stinging nettle. Side note – nettle stems and online cialis professional leaves are a great addition to compost! Four pounds of fresh roots will yield about one pound dried. Learn how your comment data is processed. I have been watching them grow and wither away year after year for several years. When the harvest begins, I am going to dry a supply for tea and for adding to soups, and I’m going to freeze some for use as a spinach-substitute. From tasty wholesome meals to simple camping recipes, I guarantee a real foodie adventure! Being near the Equator there are always new leaves on it though early in the year it is a little yellow and more fibrous. I can’t wait to try it. I am aware of great improvement from allergic rhinitis and undiagnosed hip joint pains over the last two years and this seems long term. If the look and texture might be an issue for anyone around the table, you could grind the the dried nettles to a powder and add them to just about anything (I add dried beet powder in various quantities to soups, smoothies, stews, spaghetti sauce, etc). Nettle seeds can be eaten fresh or dried but be warned – the fresh seeds can be “overstimulating” for some and shouldn’t be consumed before bed. Nettle Seed Whole . I sometimes toss a handful into spaghetti sauce. Fresh or Dried? The ‘feel-good’ factor from eating raw dried nettle fruits/seeds is caused by the neurotransmitters acetylcholine nd serotonin, with choline and histamine also found in uncooked nettle venom. I’ve been eating stinging nettle for over 10 years and look forward to harvesting it every spring. These are the adaptogens I came across (in no particular order): Whilst the specific action of each of these herbs may differ, by being adaptogenic it means they will all help balance the body (and mind) in times of stress. Before you start picking stinging nettle let’s look at what causes the sting so you know what to do to avoid getting hurt by nettle. Can you imagine my delight when I then discovered that the seed from the humble stinging nettle plant was adaptogenic too?! And got meds but the hives continued-about to drive me nuts with the itch-checked on internet and it mentioned a short blurb about nettles-picke a bunch sauted them at about 11:00am by about 5:00 pm was totally relieved-also cured my gout which I was on meds for. See those tiny prickly barbs on the stems of the plant in the photo above. I’m trying sulphur in my diet which is great for skin repair and nettles are apparently good for eczema so I will try it on my skin problems too. Sorry, I can’t help you with this one. When dry, crumble it up and store in … Any ideas other than tea that I could use it up with? Nettle is easy to grow and can easily be started by seed indoors, or divided from existing patches. Have you tried freezing it in ice cube trays so you can add a “puck” into smoothies, soups or stews? Thanks for the great questions, here are my thoughts: Nutritionally speaking, they contain: Medical herbalists use nettle seeds for a variety of conditions. Getty, This looks like a perfect green to use for Martha Stewart’s Spinach and Feta Pie, which I make frequently but have been using other greens because fresh organic spinach is so expensive. Nettles are a good source of Vitamin B-complex, Vitamin … The flower heads are snipped from the stems (many seeds are already falling off onto the leaves) into a large bowl to collect all of the seeds.