Timon asks what's going on, and Pumbaa hysterically yells that a lioness is going to eat him. This leads Pumbaa to teach his friend about a certain topic. Share. However, their tries ultimately fail and they are cornered by Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed in a cave, which leads to Sora to rescue them. Timon was animated and created by Michael Surrey. Timon mutters that the lion looks blue, to which Pumbaa says that Simba looks more brownish-gold, and Timon explains that "blue" is just a metaphor for depression. Pumbaa wonders who has a scar and Nala clarifies that she's talking about Simba's uncle. Under Ma Tembo's direction, the Lion Guard begins practicing their lines. Disneystore Lion King Hyenas plush with Fox and the Hound & Cars2 toys Timon Pumba. He is also revealed to have a secret place where he hides all the letters from the Meerkitten Society, which state that he has never passed the test. 23:50. Timon et Pumbaa sont tous deux insectivores. When Kiara finds Timon, she questions his presence and Timon tells her that he is shopping for various items for the den. He was a very common walk around character who was usually seen with Rafiki. One of my kids’ favorite things to do at Walt Disney World is the scavenger hunts in the different parks. The Lion King may have been released in 1994, but it is safe to say that the film has not aged a day in the hearts and minds of Disney fans. Peu après son départ à la nuit tombée, il rencontre son futur « associé », compagnon et ami Pumbaa. But, when Kiara appears, he enlists the help of the lions to scare off the birds from taking their feeding grounds. 4,6 sur 5 étoiles 56. In Timon & Pumbaa, Timon's last name is revealed to be Berkowitz. In The Lion King 1½, Timon is primarily shown as the every-man meerkat of his colony, who longs for a better life and accordin… Timon does the hula in order to distract a group of hyenas. In order to clear Timon's name, Timon and Pumbaa plan a desperate escape, where they can get Toucan Dan to confess that he is the true criminal. Timon, disgusted, rebukes his friend but then turns to Simba, asking if it's indeed true. The Lion Guard then inquires about the oddly decorated tree, and Bunga explains that they are decorating their tree in honor of Christmastime. Report. In another scene, Simba challenges Timon to leap across a fast-moving river, but the meerkat is swept downstream by the current until he reaches a waterfall, where he grabs onto a branch and calls for Simba's help but Simba is paralyzed by a flashback of Mufasa's death where Timon falls from the branch and Simba snaps out of the flashback rescuing his friend where Simba is ashamed that Timon nearly died because of his recklessness. Timon congratulates Simba on a good, loud belching. Timon inspects Simba, who had fallen unconscious in the desert heat. Simba claims it's not, but Timon is now convinced of Nala's story. Timon is also shown to be a bit hypocritical at times. The Lion Guard then decides to make Christmas an annual holiday in the Pride Lands, and the gathered Pride Landers yell, "Merry Christmas!". Timon in the Lion King is a meerkat. When Simba grows into a full grown adult, he meets and falls in love with his old friend Nala, causing Timon to think Simba's love for her will spell doom for his friendship with him. Timon ushers the friends out of Bunga's lair, and the Lion Guard reluctantly leaves. This prompts Simba to show them another species whose actions have affected the environment for the worse - humans. Timon is a male meerkat. DISNEYS LION KING - IF THEY HAD FREEDOM OF SPEECH - PARODY ON THE LION KING - MUST WATCH ‼️ . Pumbaa and Timon in The Lion King ~ Saved from encantosempontocruz-barbie.blogspot.com. This prompts Kion to chase after Timon and Pumbaa, and ask them to perform at Makini's mpando mpaya. Timon suggests throwing the branch away, but Kion protests that it is essential for the ceremony. After winning the fight, Simba threw Joka down a ravine, and the python was never seen or heard from again. Timon was animated by Michael Surrey in The Lion King and Alexs Stadermann in The Lion King 1½. They then reveal that Utamu grubs had fallen out of the sky, and the group shares in a feast of grubs. Though he is scared of predators and disasters, Timon seems to be a bit of a daredevil. The next morning, when Kovu is teaching Kiara how to hunt, Kovu accidentally runs into Timon. Nome Verdadeiro de Pedro de Saint Germain, https://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Timon_(Disney)&oldid=174898993, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. Just then, Timon and Pumbaa arrive to help the Lion Guard with their lines. As Ma said, Timon is sometimes too literal, as when he misunderstands Rafiki's advice to "look beyond what he sees". As the animals of the Pride Lands gather to see the presentation of Simba and Nala's newborn cub, Timon waves his hands in a classic victory sign, welcoming this new addition to the Circle of Life. He also gives some good advice before facing the Groundshaker. In "Scent of the South", it is shown that Timon sometimes finds Pumbaa's natural smell disgusting. Along with Pumbaa, Timon tries several ways to stop the new couple "from feeling the love tonight" and fails. $6.50. Timon and Pumbaa soon suggest that they work together to put the meteorite back up where it belongs, with Pumbaa doing all the work and Timon having nothing to do with it. While the Lion Guard searches for Utamu grubs, Bunga tells his friends about the day he'd met his uncles, Timon and Pumbaa. In the midst of the celebration, the Army of Scar attacks, and the Pride Landers rise up to defend themselves. When Simba is injured from the ambush by Zira and the Outsiders, he along with Pumbaa, Kiara, and Zazu find and assist him back to Pride Rock. Eventually, through the help of Donald Duck, Pumbaa is returned safely. Timon and Pumbaa relax at Hakuna Matata Falls before they are interrupted by Chama, Mzaha and Furaha. When Timon finally passes, thanks to Pumbaa (and his teasing), he temporarily becomes very manly. ROI LION SIMBA ép.38 - COUP DE FOUDRE | SIMBA dessin animé complet en francais. After Pumbaa and Nala exchange friendly greetings, Timon asks for a time-out and restates the scenario, ending with an exclamation of frustration. Pumbaa then asks Timon what the bright dots in the sky are, and Timon says that they are the fireflies. Though Fuli is reluctant to accept the idea, Makini dresses up the Lion Guard to resemble lions, then takes off to paint the elephants. Timon attempts to save Pumbaa from a hungry lioness. Timon appears during the bubble montage in Disney Hollywood Studios' version of the show. I Just Can't Wait to Be King (2019 soundtrack), The Lion Sleeps Tonight (2019 soundtrack), Can You Feel the Love Tonight (2019 soundtrack), The Lion Guard (Music from the TV Series), The Lion King II: Simba's Pride Characters, The Lion King's Timon & Pumbaa Characters, The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar Characters, Just When You Thought You'd Cuisine it All, You May Have Already Won Six Million Bakra, https://lionking.fandom.com/wiki/Timon?oldid=291420. In order to restore his friend's memories, Timon attempts to have him recall the events of some of the past episodes of the series, as well as the original film on some occasions. Timon makes kids meet his every need or they won't get to talk to Santa. liana-henze. fast shipping. At the end of the episode, Timon and Pumbaa sing "Hakuna Matata" with the rest of their friends. I'm Timon.""Pumbaa!" Simba tells him to relax but soon engages in conversation with Nala, who reminds him that he's the king. However, Timon refutes him and tells him that he should turn his back on the world when the world turns its back on him. "Animal Barn" is the first segment of the seventh episode of Season 2 of The Lion King's Timon & Pumbaa. After the conversation, Timon along with Pumbaa, Nala, and the Pride Landers head straight back to Pride Rock while Simba stays behind to scold Kiara. Timon attempts to place a star fruit at the top of the tree, but in doing so, he accidentally snaps a branch and begins to plummet toward the ground.