Terracotta pots placed on your Terrace or Patio look fabulous containing carefully clipped box balls and topiary triangles. When there are whole brown leaves on a plant, this can indicate several dozen problems; but when just the sides or tips of the leaf turn brown, there is only one problem — the plant is stressed. Junipers (Juniperus spp.) You will have to Test the trunk with your nail till you get to a green part. My Juniper Needles Are Turning Brown & Falling Off. Potted Rosemary Turning Brown. Boxwood (Buxus) are wonderful evergreen plants to formalize the edge of a border with a low hedge or grown into a larger shrub to make topiary shapes. they have been there since April but one of them is getting patchy brown leaves. Cut the trunk at this part or the die back will continue down the trunk and kill the plant completely. Firstly lets have a look at the problem from a web site on the net: hi all. Actually, there are numerous reasons why an evergreen might start turning brown. I have a pair of box topiary at my south facing exposed front door. There are several reasons why this may happen. I have tried insecticide and fungicide to control the problem. the other is. I have feed and pruned them each spring. Then a disease appeared which has caused great problems for both nurseries and home gardeners. The top of the topiary may be dead (die back). Most commonly brown leaf tips or brown edges on leaves are caused by the plant not getting enough water. Folks, if you have leyland cypress trees, then you've probably noticed that at times, part- or all of the trees- may turn brown. Q. This process, known as bronzing, does not cause permanent damage to boxwood shrubs. are needle-leaved evergreens that are used in many landscapes. Exposure to cold winter winds, dry conditions and frost contributes to boxwood leaves turning brown, reddish-brown, orange or yellow. Box plant leaves will go a coppery brown colour if the plant is short of nutrients, or if it is exposed to very cold winds, or to prolonged frosty weather. These can occur on the stem from the soil line to the shoot tips. I recently noticed some brown limbs and looks like dying. I’m not sure what I have done wrong, and would love some advice on how to care for them back to full recovery. Why is the tree turning brown? Black, elongated, streaking lesions may also be visible on the stem. The same plants have been used for topiary as well. Before you can take any steps to fix the problem, you need to figure out why your tree is turning brown. Brown leaves on Box plants, How to treat Box Blight Beautiful Box Trees. Scape the trunk on the top with your fingernail. Dying Topiary ... ago. There are a number of diseases that could be the culprit; there could also be a problem due to a lack of nutrition in the soil. In fact, winter becomes the most common season for spotting brown foliage on otherwise green boxwood shrubs. Two of my dwarf Alberta spruce has a problem that causes the needles to turn brown and fall off. The same watering policy for outdoor plants should hold for potted rosemary — it should never be left in a saucer of water or the soil allowed to remain wet. These spots eventually grow larger and coalesce before turning brown or straw-like and dropping to the ground. Box Blight . They have survived extremely cold winters. If it is dry brown and not green it is probably dead. If your plant isn’t over-watered but you’re still wondering why rosemary has brown tips, look to recent changes in lighting conditions.